FMLM is the professional home for medical leadership in the UK.
- We support doctors and dentists to become better medical leaders. 免费外网加速器app
- We support teams and organisations to achieve better patient outcomes and increased productivity. 安卓加速器
- We work to professionalise medical leadership and management through standards and certification. Find out more
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Covid-19: Doctors and other clinicians as leaders and advocates of societal change
etween them, health and social care employ approximately one in 10 of the UK population. Without taking into account the extended households supported by the employees, the potential impact of these...
Article 31 Jul 2023
FMLM and The Royal Society of Medicine announce partnership
FMLM today announces a partnership with The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) aimed at widening the impact of both organisations through supporting membership.
The partnership allows members of either...
News 31 Jul 2023
网页加速器Opportunity for consultant to build frailty service Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust are looking to develop a cross-system integrated Frailty service of 3 Consultants. The work model is centred on the Sutton ‘place’ and will...Opportunity
Covid-19: ‘Changed Utterly’ – a big moment in the history of medicine
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Editorial 10 Jul 2023
Covid-19: when we forget the finance team, we miss a golden opportunity
In the NHS we are all too aware of the usual impact of an economic downturn on the funding of public services. Now, despite the fact that the NHS is appreciated even more by the public, the fact...
Article 3 Jul 2023
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Being a chief resident (CR) is an honour at any stage of the registrar years. However, to be a CR during the COVID-19 crisis is, by far, the proudest moment of my medical career to date.
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FMLM partnership to support doctors from abroad
FMLM commit to providing support to doctors filling NHS vacancies from outside the UK
网页加速器 19 Jun 2023
Covid-19: the virtually visible leader
I have often heard others talk about the importance of being ‘visible’ as a leader and seen first-hand the difference it has made when an executive visits a department in person, or spends time ‘...
Article 18 Jun 2023
Leaders in Healthcare 2023
Following the success of the fourth Leaders in Healthcare conference, we are pleased to announce that Leaders in Healthcare will return on 9 – 10 November 2023 at the Barbican, London.
FMLM conference 09 November 2023 to 旋风加速器app官网
A great new offer for primary care networks is available from #FMLMApplied. It is geared around: 1.Addressing imme… Aug 2023 - 7:30am
We're delighted to announce a partnership with The Royal Society of Medicine, offering members of both organisation… Jul 2023 - 5:26pm
RT @Winnie_LL_Teo: @erwinloh @BMJLeader @catestod1 @FMLM_UK @gmcuk @NHSLeadership @DrAdamHS @FMLM_TSG @bailey_suzie @helenbevan @AoMRC… Jul 2023 - 5:27pm
RT @BMJLeader: Welcome to #BMJLeaderchat on social media, COVID19, infodemic, leadership & research by @Winnie_LL_Teo… 鲸鱼加速器app30 Jul 2023 - 5:27pm
RT @BMJLeader: Can you tell us more about #COVID19 ‘infodemic’? Is this a positive or negative phenomenon?… Jul 2023 - 5:27pm
RT @HFMA_UK: Dr @yvetteoade1 reflects on a recent HFMA -@FMLM_UK webinar, the importance of collaboration between finance and c… 安卓加速器29 Jul 2023 - 4:36pm
RT 土豆加速器app: Thank you to @FMLM_UK-Applied associate colleagues for yesterday’s conversations and chance to connect. Humble wisd… Jul 2023 - 4:35pm
Great to see article from Dr Yvette Oade on the need for more clinical + financial collaboration picked up by our f…加速器
RT @LeadersHealth: You have until next month to submit your poster abstract for the 网页加速器 conference. Ensure you've submitt… Jul 2023 - 4:41pm
RT @DrIainWallace: A great achievement to implement this in such a short timescale. Well done to everyone involved from… ios加速器28 Jul 2023 - 4:41pm
土豆加速器app @MedRealities @haroon__shah @BMAstudents @unibirm_MDS @_HSMCentre @BMJLeader This looks like a great webi… Jul 2023 - 11:52am
RT @UoB_BMLS: Be sure to check out @MedRealities’s webinar being led by our president, Haroon (鲸鱼加速器app) tonight at 6pm! Lin… Jul 2023 - 11:51am